Friday, November 09, 2007

Last post

I find the subject of persuasive communication endlessly fascinating, so I'm pretty sure I could go on writing this blog for as long as I'm capable of tapping away at a keyboard. But I've decided to bring it to a full stop. This will be my last post. I wonder, though, if I can persuade you to stay with me for just a few more paragraphs while I explain why I've reached this decision?

I suppose the main reason is the obvious one: I think I'm starting to repeat myself. Of course, there's nothing wrong with a bit of repetition in persuasive writing; quite often, it's actually necessary to say the same thing in a number of slightly different ways in order to win someone round to your way of seeing things. But, after a certain point, the law of diminishing returns comes into force, and you start to bore your reader - which, as you'll know if you've read my book, is the second worst crime a persuasive writer can commit. And I'm afraid I may be rapidly approaching that point (if I haven't passed it already).

My other reason for becoming an ex-blogger is, I think, more interesting, since it concerns the medium itself. I've enjoyed writing here very much over the last 15 months or so, but I've never been able to shake off my reservations about the form. Blogging is, for me, just a bit too easy. Take three minutes to get set up, and you're away: no need to think before you write; no quality control; no time to reflect on what you've written before sending it out into the world. No discipline, in fact, of any kind: if I chose, I could interrupt myself right now to give you my mother's famous flapjack recipe, or to share with you the poem I wrote last week. (Don't worry, I'm not going to.)

I'm sure some would say that these are blogging's best attributes; that it's this unboundaried immediacy that gives the best examples of the form their snap, crackle and pop. But, for me, it just feels a bit self-indulgent. And I'm pretty sure I do my best work when there are constraints: a brief to be met, a deadline, a sharply defined objective.

Anyway, I'm clear in my own mind that, in a world where there is way too much information - and where everyone has a vehemently held opinion and the means to express it - one of the biggest courtesies we can show our fellow human-beings is not to communicate with them, unless we feel an overwhelming need to do so, combined with a sincere belief that at least some of them will find what we have to communicate useful, interesting or enjoyable.

Which, of course, brings me back to the main theme of my book: that in persuasive writing, the reader's interests must come first. And right now, my considered professional opinion is that yours will best be served by me shutting up for a bit.

So thanks very much for calling by, and for your interesting comments (I haven't had very many, but their rarity has made those I have received all the more thrilling). Who knows, I might write another book one day, in which case I hope you'll buy multiple copies and give them to all your friends. Meanwhile, if you'd like to get in touch for any reason, I'd be very happy to hear from: just drop me an email from the main Can I Change Your Mind? website (

Bye for now.


At 9:25 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Lindsay.

Thoughtful have thoroughly enjoyed every one of your posts (particularly your sustained attack on Barclays Bank).

We all hope you're next post isn't too long to wait for.

James, Chris & Stu

At 9:35 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Lindsay...forgive the 'you're'...schoolboy error.

At 9:38 am, Blogger Mike Reed said...

Sorry to see you go, Lindsay - I was just getting into it! Very interesting thoughts on blogging, but given that you've spotted all the pitfalls and are determined to avoid them, I'd say you're one of those who should keep it up, rather than stopping. I suspect the key is not to take it too seriously, and not feel one has to communicate some ground-breaking new message on every post.

Mind you, I'm a loudmouth who can't walk past a soapbox without wanting to get up on it. Even if there's no-one nearby to listen, which is the way it often feels with a blog - I wonder if the lack of responses has put you off?

Anyway, thanks for what we did get, and if the mood takes you again - we'll be listening.

At 9:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'd agree Mike.

Thoughtful have a blog, and at times we encourage people to get involved. Very often they don't.

Our 'stats' tell us there's quite a few people out there who are interested in us enough to read our blog, so at times we do wonder why blogging feels like a one way street.

We're also to blame. Perhaps if we had shown a bit more open support for Lindsay's blog, then we'd continue to enjoy Lindsay's personal take on life.

Does anyone else feel the same way?


At 10:01 am, Blogger Mike Reed said...

It's funny - I've posted a few comments on Lindsay's blog recently, and I started to feel like I was perhaps becoming a nuisance.

It's a politeness thing, I think - probably a middle-class English writer's thing (I'm a copywriter too). Although I do like to sound off, I then get a bit nervous that everyone's rolling their eyes and going, "Oh, not him again."

Perhaps Lindsay's suffering a similar attack of reticence. Are you Lindsay? If so, it seems you can rest easy - at least as far as Thoughtful and I are concerned.

At 10:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again Mike, I'd agree.

I very often get nervous about posting comments.

Usually because my responses are not very well thought through/not witty enough/poor grammer.

And, in an industry where it's easier to destroy than create, it makes me think twice before sticking my neck out.

(Here's a thought: Perhaps in a world of Second Life, blogging etc. the future belongs to the copywriter?)

At 10:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought on the responses, again.

I use an RSS reader, which doesn't show any comments being made.

Perhaps this means I'm missing out on being brought into a debate, as Mike has allowed me to do this morning?


At 10:37 am, Blogger Mike Reed said...

What a lovely thought. I remember Ben Terrett also worrying on Noisy Decent Graphics about not being a competent enough writer. (Unnecessarily, it must be said.)

It would be lovely to think that blogging might encourage people to improve their writing - email certainly hasn't. (Quite the opposite.)

Interesting that you include Second Life - I don't know enough about it to know why writing would be important there. I thought it was very visual.

Look at all these comments, Lindsay - are you feeling better yet?

At 10:39 am, Blogger Mike Reed said...

Oops - our comments appear to be criss-crossing in cyberspace, Stu.

At 10:41 am, Blogger Mike Reed said...

On RSS, I do the same (NewsFire). I just click through to the site when I want to leave a comment, or a post in interesting enough for me to wonder if anyone's responded.

But you're right, Stu, I suspect RSS Readers do discourage commenting in general. I'm not techy enough to know what to do about that.

At 11:52 am, Blogger Ben said...

Shame, I'd just discovered this too.

At 3:21 pm, Blogger Matthew Hosier said...

Oh, I only started reading it yesterday! Bummer...

At 5:53 pm, Blogger Lindsay said...

Thanks very much for the comments, everyone. It's cold and dark down here in Bristol, but I'm basking in the sunshine of your kind words.

To answer your question, Mike, I think it's probably true that the lack of response has been partly responsible for my disillusion with blogging. When I started, I hoped I could get a bit of a conversation going, and that hasn't really happened (until today). But I'm not blaming anyone, other than myself, for that. No persuasive writer even has the right to be read, never mind to receive feedback.

But no, I'm not walking away from my blogging duties in a huff. I meant what I said about feeling that I'd said my piece, at least for the time being. And I do think it's possible that, without this incredibly convenient and immediate outlet, I'll be forced to think longer, harder and more imaginatively about what, if anything, I have to communicate.

I'm not promising, though, that I'll never return to blogging. If I do, you'll be the first to know.

Thanks so much again.

At 5:59 pm, Blogger Mike Reed said...

Fair play, Lindsay. Hope to meet you one day - at a 26 do or some other event, perhaps. All the best in the meantime.


At 12:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How would Lindsay say it?

Little do you know, how much your thoughts have helped as I struggle to write the copy for our company website.

Thank You

I for one will miss you!


At 11:20 am, Blogger Lindsay said...

Thanks so much, Paula. That's made my day.

If you'd like me to run an eye over the copy you've written for your website, I'd be very happy to do so (free of charge).

At 12:08 pm, Blogger joellybaby said...

Oh what a shame! I only just discovered it.

At 6:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsay,


Is it possible for your loyal readers to be a bit more persuasive and get you to reconsider?

At 7:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am equally gutted. I loved dropping by as your blog seemed to me to not have any of the pitfalls that you were concerned about where as most other blogs do.

So, can I change your mind? (nice)

At 5:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say it isn't so!

Please don't go.

At 5:02 pm, Blogger Lindsay said...

Thanks very much, Joelle, Paul, Ben and Mark. How could I not be touched by your pleas for me to spare this blog's life? But, for the reasons I've talked about here, I remain convinced that now is the right time to knock it on the head.

I'm equally sure, though, that I will write more about this subject - either when I've thought of something new and interesting to say about it, or because I just can't restrain myself any longer.

In any case, your kind and much appreciated comments have reminded me that I'm not alone in believing that the words we use matter very much indeed. And that's really good to know.

At 9:09 pm, Blogger g. said...

Oh dear, Lindsay, you've gone and upset everyone now. I bet you didn't even know you had so many loyal readers.

Still, I suppose that's the problem. If we'd stuck our heads above the parapet and commented once in a while, maybe you wouldn't have chucked it. Only ourselves to blame, and that's me guilty as charged as well.

Looking forward to the sequel, book or blog.

At 6:33 pm, Blogger Martin Lawless said...

Lindsay - I'm reminded of that myth (sadly) of the patent clerk who quit his job at the peak of the Victorian boom because it was over; 'there was nothing left to invent'. There's always going to be new Barclays Banks appearing out there.

I'm also reminded (strangely) of nuclear proliferation; blogs are here and cannot be uninvented. We need to work with them to make sure they don't destroy the world!

Have I changed your mind?

At 6:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally ordered your book today.
Can't wait for the parcel to arrive.


At 10:51 am, Blogger Lindsay said...

Aha! My cunning plan has worked: by starving Paula of my online musings, I've forced her into buying a copy of my book.

Thanks, g, for your kind comment. But, really, nobody is to "blame" for my giving up the blog.

And no, Martin, nice try, but you haven't changed my mind. Already, since becoming an ex-blogger a couple of weeks ago, I find I'm having new ideas for other things I'd like to write. So my theory that writing a blog might be deflecting me from other forms of creativity seems to have been correct . . .

At 12:01 am, Blogger P said...

Hi Lindsay,

Cunning plan indeed.

Thought you might like to know that a friend searched for your book for me on a recent trip to the UK and came back empty handed.
(she promised me she searched everywhere)

Luckily managed to get the last copy available online.

At 1:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of a blog you should have a forum -- where people can post questions and you and anyone else answers and comments on them.

My first question would be: Would you write some copy for me please Lindsay for my young, one man band, web design company's web site?

Seriously though a copywriting crit site where people offer advice etc. would be good. Maybe one already exists. I know of one for advertising ideas (more images than copy):

Actually my first question would be: Can you expand on the thing in your book about small, medium, large ideas please? In particular small ideas. I studied advertising communication (more visual) where big ideas were always the goal. I now do a few web sites and often a big super duper creative idea is so inappropriate it's embarrassing. So then I think, forget trying to come up with an idea. But then the project seems horribly lacking and doomed to be pointless. Until I read that bit in the book just recently about small ideas and a little sideways shuffle I was thinking of using ideas in a very black and white way: either try and come up with a big creative idea (if appropriate), or don't (if inappropriate); no idea. At the moment I'm doing a web site for a small butcher (quality, bit on the expensive side, neary everything sourced locally (that's probably the main point), Suffolk village, starting to attract more BMW/Land Rover driving people up from the city to their country homes for the weekend). Big creative idea inappropriate. So I was going to forget coming up with an idea. But a small idea seems feasible and appropriate. But copywriting wise I'm not a 100% sure what that means. So that would be my forum question: examples/pointers/comments/expansion on small ideas? -- the small, sideways shuffle.

At 7:41 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I swear, Lindsay, after just listening to the Beanz Meanz Rhymz show (a tip-off from mum), I then find this blog, put a link in from mine, and then realise that you've stopped it dead.



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