Dear Mr Blair, please resign today, yours sincerely, Lindsay Camp.
Every day, I write to the prime minister urging him to resign. I don't want to bore him, so I try to write something a little different each time (joke: the Downing St website receives 6 zillion emails for Mr Blair a day - none of which, I'm quite sure, he ever personally reads). But the basic message is always the same: the Iraq catastrophe has destroyed your credibility for ever; without trust, you are a liability to the Labour Party and the country; go now, for god's sake, go now.A pointless exercise, you may be thinking. But I couldn't disagree more strongly. In fact, this is one of the rare occasions when I'm 100% certain that what I write will achieve the desired result. Because a day is sure to come - some time in June, if the pundits are to be believed - when I will email Mr Blair, and he will indeed resign.
Did you vote for him? I bet you did. Twice? There's just no excuse. If you didn't I bet you voted for the blues. No difference. Many people who I know who hated Blair voted for him. How messed up is that? It's now incredably clear to anyone surely, there is no difference between the reds and the blues. I'm seeing a short cut -- don't vote for them in the first place. It's that simple.
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